Mestring af Skeetskydning: Tips til Station 1


When it comes to skeet shooting, Station 1 can be quite challenging, even for experienced shooters. But fear not! In this blog post, we'll share some valuable tips and techniques for nailing those targets at Station 1, whether it's the high house, low house, or the double. With a focus on proper setup, hold-points, and smooth movements, you'll be well on your way to improving your skeet shooting game.

Shooting High House

Let's start with the high house at Station 1. As you step up to the shooting station, ensure that your hips are facing the low house window. This positioning will help you prepare for the target effectively. Your hold-point should be imagined right in the hoop over the center stake.

Det er vigtigt at visualisere, hvor målet vil blive brudt. Dette fokus vil guide dine bevægelser og øge dine chancer for at ramme leret. Vip hovedet lidt tilbage for at få øje på målet tidligt og holde det i klart fokus.

ShotKam-perspektivet viser os, at vores øjne skal være rettet lige over løbet. Kig blødt, og ret opmærksomheden mod det rigtige fældehus. For at maksimere præcisionen skal du minimere pistolens bevægelser og undgå at starte med pistolen for højt oppe.

Når du kalder på fuglen, skal du vente på, at mållinjen smelter sammen med dit hold-point, før du trykker på aftrækkeren. Ved at lade leret komme til dig, forbedrer du din præcision og rammer flere mål.

Optagelse af Low House

Moving on to the low house at Station 1, the setup is similar. Keep your feet in the same position with your hips facing the low house window. The hold-point for this target is relatively close to the house, about 10 feet out.

For at bevare et klart udsyn skal du rette dit holdepunkt ind efter bunden af vinduet. Det sikrer, at tønden ikke blokerer dit udsyn, og du kan fokusere på det indkommende ler. Igen skal du visualisere brudpunktet og være konsekvent med, hvor du bryder det i parret, hvilket er over eller lige efter den midterste pæl.

ShotKams perspektiv afslører en jævn bevægelse op til mållinjen og et veltimet aftræk uden at ride på leret. Tag dig god tid til skuddet, ligesom du ville gøre i en double, for at forbedre din skydeteknik.

At mestre det dobbelte

For the double on Station 1, you'll follow the same setup as the high house, with your hold-point above the center stake and your head just off the gun. As you break the high house, quickly transition your eyes over the barrel and concentrate on the incoming clay.

Når du er på mållinjen, skal du sende skuddet af sted uden at ride på fuglen. Denne hurtige og jævne bevægelse er afgørende for succes i doublen.


Station 1 in skeet shooting demands precision and technique, and mastering it can significantly improve your overall performance. By paying attention to your setup, hold-points, and movements, you can enhance your accuracy and hit more targets. Keep practicing and refining your skills, and soon you'll be hitting clay after clay at Station 1 with confidence and ease. Happy shooting!

More Skeet Shooting Lessons

If you’re looking for more tutorials on mastering different stations in skeet shooting, check out our other blogs:

We have not created a video tutorial for stations 3 and 8 yet, but plan to in the future. Stay tuned for more updates and resources to help you improve your skeet shooting skills!

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Mastering Station 1 in Skeet Shooting

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